Nomadago is the hub for your traveling network. We make staying connected with friends easy or finding new ones along the way!Check out where a friend is going next month, invite the crew to a week in London, or discuss which apartment is best in Lima. Nomadago is a nomad’s social network.So what makes Nomadago useful?PERSONAL TRAVEL COMMUNITYAdd your friends and never lose touch with the people you meet traveling. Create your network of traveling friends and easily plan when you’ll see eachother next.TRAVEL JOURNALTrack all the places you’ve been and the trips you’ve been on. Nomadago will display a personal map of all the countries you’ve visited and give you a percentage of the world that you have seen.FIND FRIENDSConnect with other Nomadago users by posting your plans to the community, outside of your friend network. Or checking out other users plans to see if you’ll be in the same area.LOCATION SHARINGShare your current location and see where all your friends are currently using the world map COUNTRY SEARCHSearch for plans in a specific country to see all your friends who are currently in that country or will be on future dates.CALENDAR CREATIONYou are able to build out your travel calendar for as far in advance as you would like. This calendar can be seen by all of your friends so they know what youre up to. You can also check out their calendar.PLAN EDITORMake plans to add to your calendar, set the location of where you are going, invite your friends to the plan, and discuss the trip in the comments.PLAN FEEDCheck out the feed to see all new plans being posted by your friends. Comment on any plans if you are interested in joining.FUTURE LOCATIONSChange the dates on the map to see where all of your friends plan to be on upcoming dates. This will give you ideas on your next location to go to and when to go.CROSSING PATHS ALERTSThe app notifies you if you’re in the same city as a friend or if both you and a friend create a future plan to be in the same city during the same time.